Benchmark the PX
of your practice.
Take our FREE PX Maturity Indicator assessment to start your journey today.

Know the starting point of your PX journey.
Any successful journey has a start and an end. And your journey towards improved patient experience is no different. But how do you know where you're starting from? That's where our free PX Maturity Indicator assessment comes in. In a series of questions about how your practice operates now we deliver a real time report that benchmarks your organisation's current PX maturity. Tailored to your practice, our PX Maturity Indicator assesses your practice at this point in time, creating a unique starting point just for you.
We created the PX Maturity Indicator assessment as a quick and easy way for health, aged and disability care providers to measure the current PX maturity of your organisation to provide a clear starting point, help you define your end state and provide recommendations on how to navigate your journey towards becoming a more PX-driven practice.
How does the PX Maturity Indicator assessment work?
The PX Maturity Indicator measures your organisation's capabilities, as they stand today, across three key areas within your control, that need to shift for your practice to adopt a PX-driven model of care. Completing the questionnaire provides you with a customised results report recommending the areas your practice needs to focus on in order to increase your PX maturity.

The PX Maturity Indicator assessment measures your organisation's maturity against the following three key elements of a high-performing, PX-driven healthcare organisation:

1. Partnering with Patients
The maturity of your organisation in engaging and partnering with your patients to understand their lived experience and the experiences and outcomes that truly matter to them.

2. Value-Based Care Delivery
How far along your organisation is in the move from a volume-based delivery approach towards a patient-driven, value-based care model that co-designs care solutions with its patients.

3. Outcomes that Matter
How mature your organisation is at measuring and using patient-reported metrics and insights to drive personalised care and outcomes that matter to your patients.
Through extensive customer and PX advisory work over many years, Patient Experience Agency has identified six stages of PX maturity that organisations typically work through, with each stage representing a building block towards PX-driven care. Your PX Maturity Indicator assessment report will provide you with the stage of your practice's current PX maturity, as well as an individual score across the three key elements of a high-performing, PX-driven healthcare organisation identified above. The report helps healthcare leaders to identify areas of strength, and areas for improvement in your organisation as well as useful tips on how to start shifting your PX maturity today.
Take the PX Maturity Indicator assessment now.
So, what are you waiting for? Take the PX Maturity Indicator assessment now and start making meaningful improvements for your patients today!
Boost your PX in just 6 short weeks.
Ready to start shifting the dial on your PX maturity now? Our Developing your PX Strategy program helps you tap into your greatest business asset - your patients - and work with them to design and deliver exceptional healthcare experiences that deliver better outcomes.